Region - Orgrand

Barbaric and warlike, they guard the frontiers of their occupied land known as Kanum Kotan. Though they focus their attention towards Alukhai territory, they have internal conflicts to deal with, such as the Winter Queen and the Ice King, who battle each other wrecking havoc on the land every time they do.

Common Knowledge

Known as the border kingdom, the Jarls of this region are in charge of protecting the frontier. A year ago Alukhai emissaries came to the region to negotiate for trading routes to be open, however the jarls did not approve nor declined this offer and now and then you see Alukhaiyan caravans the icy barenlands.

Regional Features

Austbork: These forest are known to be the home of the Yuan-ti, the snakefolk that also came to the norselands when the Alukhai invaded after the Great Flood.

Balkfell: These mountains produce enough gold and iron to support Orgrand's economy. Civilized but short-tempered stone giants live in the remote peaks in enormous rock mansions, trading gems for fine wine and knowledge for dragon meat.

Braudstad: This major seaport is walled and compact, populated with merchants, tradesfolk, and sailors. Its extensive docks are filled with ships. Hlammach is the site of the kingdom's mint, and thieves constantly try to steal the coins and trade bars stored here.

Brynjulauss: One of three villages that contain a high populace of thralls. Brynjulauss’ ´citizens were mainly thralls who after hard work and loyalty, they were given the land form them to defend and live on. On occasions, regimens of norsemen travel north towards the towers. Halfling are abundant in this village.

Drykkjavik: The barren seaport of Drykkjavik is littered with the skeletons of ships, but despite the loss of its shoreline, the city has not lost all inhabitants. Indeed, it is known to be under the control of a band of raiding pirates called the Nidflagd, or the Sons of the Giantess. Their leader, a female goliath came up with the name or so the rumors go.

Kroptuvirki: This fortress town was vital during the Great War as it helped establish the known borders and prevented the Alukhai from advancing further into the Norsemen’s lands. The fortress is now the main defense against any future invasions by the Alukhai but it has lost most of its glory after the war.
Morkholm: One of the three villages that contains a high populace of thralls, this one is located in-between the other two villages and its ruled by a pure blooded Jarl, who’s skills have kept the entire village alive from the constant raids by the yuan-ti.

Orgrandvirki: The capital of the Orgrand consists of a mighty castle built around the Austbork forest and the Seidfell mountains. Orgrandvirki has seen better days, but the city is still the largest and wealthiest in the region and is the only real defense against any invasions coming through the forest. The city is known for their winter griffons who serve them as messengers and as an air striking force against any airborne threats.

Orkaborg: Like many frontier towns, Orkaborg serves as a fortress, watching over the Jarjall region and is also the last line of defense against invasion coming from the north. Many dwarves live here.
Seidfell: These forbidding mountains are massive and sharp, forming a high wall broken only near Kroptuvirki and Stokkva. Many fey creatures reside on and within these mountains suc has dragons, faeries,gnomes, and other feral creatures.

Seidfell: These forbidding mountains are massive and sharp, forming a high wall broken only near Kroptuvirki and Stokkva. Many fey creatures reside on and within these mountains suc has dragons, faeries,gnomes, and other feral creatures.

Stokkva: This small village serves as the crossroad Braudstad, Orgrandvirki, and Wotankeld. Though small, this village is home to many heroes who claim that they received their powers from the mountain.

Svellfell: These jagged, broken peaks are laced with ice and snow and inhabited by thousands of goblins and giants as well as other humanoid monsters as well as one of the hidden lairs of the Ice King.

Vidrholm: One of the three villages that contains a high populace of thralls. In this town resides a group of elixes from Kanum Kotan who willingly submitted themselves as thralls of the norsemen in exchange of them being able to keep their traditions and train their people in their arts. Like the Alukhai’s they believed in the ancestor spirits, but also believe in the power of the mind and the path to enlightenment by mastering your mental abilities.


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