

Dwarves are the most stalwart race. They lead lives of duty and obligation, living in underground complexes mining ore, smithing a wide variety of metal goods, and defending themselves against the evil creatures that lurk deep in the earth. The center of every dwarven community is the hearth, the individual home of a dwarven family. The ties that bind each family together are strong and deep. Dwarves have few children, and those born to the stout folk are cherished but raised with strict discipline and a strong work ethic.

Monarchs rule most dwarven settlements, often known as delves. Most monarchs pay homage to Heimdall, Skadi, Thor, or Tyr. Each hearth swears allegiance to the monarch and the monarch rules by divine right, counseled by the wise rune priests. Dwarves are seldom seen outside of their vast underground kingdoms, and those that are seen are either outcast who left their homes searching for a better life on the surface, exiled dwarves who did not abide by their strict law of conduct, merchants who try not to dwell too far from the entrances on the surface that lead to their underground lands or the rare noble who eschew his privileged life for a more adventurous one in the hopes to uncover marvelous  artifacts and perform great deeds in the name of their hearths .


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