A land of icy fields and hard tundra, mountain ranges and cold, gray skies are all part of the Jarjall geography. It is a land filled with dangerous people and predators, where much of the life that can be found in its frozen hills lives only to take life from another. Wolves, mountain cats and fierce bears hunt the frozen ranges and thick woods, more than capable of killing entire hunting parties unprepared for their savagery. Stories of monstrous beasts and dark legends waiting in the icy wastes for foolish travelers are told around crackling campfires, many of which have been proven true time and time again. In Jarjall, if the weather and the terrain do not claim you, something else likely will.
Common Knowledge
Only the strong will carve out a living here, often quite literally. The terrain is difficult, but many come to see for themselves.
Regional Features
Bokivirki: Once the main fortress that watched the region of Sudholt it now lays in ruins after a raid performed by the Vikings of the Sudholt region.
Dvergrefell: The great dwarf mountain hosts one of the many underground kingdoms of the dwarves, its entrance is only known by a few.
Grimmr: This walled city is under the protection of humans and dwarves. They are known for being intolerant of taller races such as Goliaths.
Holtborg: This triving village serves as the crossroads between Torstvedt and Jadarrborg for those who are coming from Midbraut. Some shifters make home in this village as well as goliaths.
Jadarrborg: A small village who refused to retreat to mainland after the King decreed that the area was no longer defendable. Those who hail from this small village have a special grudge against those who live in mainlands.
Jarjall: The mountains that gave the region its name, these tall peeks are home to many giants and often try to lay siege to Skautgard and Torstvedt.
Lagmork: This small forest is home to many lycanthropes all who seem to be minions of Loki.
Laufgraen: This city belongs to the dwarves and little is known about it for quite few have been more than a few steps within the city gates. Many gather near the gates whoever to trade goods.
Midbraut: The middle town between the Middengeard and Jarjall region. The town itself is very lively for those who like to trade goods, however if Middengeard and Jarjall be on unfriendly terms this lively town will go asunder in a matter of hours since it has do real fortifications against attacks of any type.
Megingrimmr: This Jarly capital is built around a huge, heavily fortified castle. The city and Jarly maintain a friendly relationship with the nation of Middengeard. Carl Vendulf who survived the
Reign of the Winter Queen in hiding, leveraged that alliance to endorse Ozur as jarl mroe than a decade ago.
Purrmork: This small, thick forest is amazingly resilient, growing back whatever is cut from it in only a few years. Legends say that long ago a great druid enspelled the wood in defiance of the glacier, and that since that time it has never been covered in ice. It recieved its name do to the fact that it requires no water to maintain itself alive.

Torstvedt: Torstvedt is a small, yet very well fortified city who has to deal with trolls, werewolves, and giants. Here the breed their own kin with the blood of the lycanthropes to have an edge against all the threats that surround them.
Vandliga: This spot of twelve permanent buildings and many outlying farms has a blacksmith, a sawyer, a tavern, a shrine to Odur, and a permanent guard of five to fifteen of the Jarl’s Men. The guards spend their time hunting, gambling, or practicing at arms, but they also keep an eye on the traffic along the main road and another eye cocked warily up the Dwarf Mountains.
Varkavirki: This stronghold remains ever watchful of Alukhais and Sasainns.
Vegrtorp: The major trading center in Jarjall, this port town's harbor was designed with defense as its first priority, since many pirates roam these waters. It is rumored that the harbormaster pays tribute to a Aegir, that drives away all other sea monsters.
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